What every man should know about “Jing”

“It is sexual energy which governs the structure of human feeling and thinking.” – Wilhelm Reich

The difference between “really good” and mastery is something like the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire:

The master is — literally — 1000x the dude who’s just “really good.”

That’s a pretty sobering thought, when you actually think about it…

…Which is why, when I washed up on Maui in 2016 to learn QiGong from Master Bruce Frantzis, I sat down, shut up, and payed attention.

Bruce, among many other things (including a multiple black belt), is a QiGong Doctor:

An esteemed qualification that takes 10 years of intensive schooling and clinical work to achieve.

The traditional four-year degree in Western medicine certainly has it’s value, but…

(as Bruce not-so-gently pointed out on a semi-daily basis)

…There are levels to the game.

Anyway, I say all of that to set up this next bit…

In QiGong medicine, the energy that runs the human being takes three forms:

1. Jing: Fundamental energy generated by the sexual organs that powers the physical body…

…And, when refined, turns into:

2. Qi: Vital energy that powers the subtle body (mind, emotions, psyche, etc)…

…And, when refined, turns into:

3. Shen: Spiritual energy that powers the karma and essence of the human being.

If that sounds advanced, all you need to know right now is this:

Jing is the foundation to everything.

Jing is the fundamental life force that:

– Determines your physical health, wellness, and vitality

– Forms the building blocks for mental, emotional, and spiritual energy

And, yes:

– Directly governs your sexual energy.

Which is why Taoist practitioners (Bruce included) have been geeking out on building, harnessing, and mastering sexual energy for thousands of years:

Because sexual energy = Jing = physical / mental / emotional / spiritual power.

And while many of the ancient Taoist methods are either complicated, advanced, or, frankly, dangerous…

…There are also some very simple techniques that anyone can (and IMO should) do to optimize their Jing and sexual energy.

Techniques that:

– Are very easy to learn

– Are profoundly healthy and deeply nourishing to the mind, body, and spirit

– Take just a few minutes per day (most men will actually save time just by not wanking so damn much)

– Can be done by anyone (who has hit puberty and doesn’t have any serious injuries in their genital area)

– Don’t involve bro-philosophies like NoFap, sketchy supplements, or dangerous esoteric methods

And, in my strong opinion:

– Should have been taught in sex-ed class (seriously, what is that class even for?)

So we’ll be talking about many of these techniques over the next week…

…Both in these daily emails and in an upcoming course I’ve (finally!) decided to teach, called:

Jing: The Program

Our retreat guys have been asking me to do this for over two years, and I honestly don’t know what took me so long.

Fear, I guess.

This stuff tends to freak out the muggles, after all…

…But this path ‘aint for the muggles anyway.

So f*ck it:

We’re letting it rip 🙂

More details below…

– T

P.S. Those details…

Tomorrow, I’m going to drop a new clip on YouTube called:

Simple Techniques For Controlling Sexual Energy (for men)

This is a clip from a recent AMA call I held for members of The Path, where I taught a few easy ways to begin building Jing and learning to control your sexual energy.

On Sunday, I’ll send you the full details about our new Jing program…

…And on Monday, we’ll open it for registration.

(If you’re a member of The Path, don’t buy it — you’ll get it at no cost. Membership has it’s privileges, after all…)

Then we’ll drop (banger) emails all week until the program closes on Thursday at midnight.

Sound good?

I hope so:

‘Cause big Jing energy can change your damn life.

And I know we should have done this a long time ago, but dammit, we’re doing it now.

Buckle up 🙂

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