“When I bite down on this mouthpiece, ohhhh boy, I make nails look soft.” – Dan Hooker
I was just listening to an interview with UFC Lightweight and full-time BMF Dan Hooker.
It went something like this…
Dan: “At first, all I wanted from fighting was money. Now all I want is a world championship.”
Interviewer: “What made you want a world championship more than you want money?”
Dan: “I made money.”
Dan’s point:
The easiest way to transcend a lower motivation is not to deny it exists, but to satisfy it.
True; money, status and pleasure are only level one.
But the way to level two is through level one, and for most of us, it’s the only way.
So my (uncommon) advice is this:
If you want to get rich, get rich.
If you want to hook up, hook up (responsibly, honestly, unapologetically).
If you want to chase pleasure and status and shiny sh*t, get running.
Play level one full-tilt.
But while you do, keep an eye out for level two.
And, when level one gets old…
…Don’t get sad, depressed, or existential.
Get excited.
The game is about to get even better.
– T
P.S. The obvious disclaimer:
Don’t lie, cheat, or steal. Try not to hurt anyone, including yourself. Stay in school. Wear protection. Don’t do drugs unless you absolutely, positively want to. Common sense not sold separately.
And, whatever you do, don’t do anything until you’ve watched this video.
This dude makes nails look soft.
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Tags: philosophy
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