Forged In Fire (Part 3)

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell

To recap Part 1 and Part 2:

The deepest relationship of my life has just fallen apart, my business has plunged $250,000 in debt and is bleeding cash at an alarming rate, and I’m stuck in a foreign country with insomnia, heart palpitations, and a business partner I am now at war with.

It feels like I am climbing uphill during a landslide, with arrows firing from above and snakes biting from below, facing one of two options:

Become a better climber, or get crushed.

So, inch by inch, I climb onwards:

I wrestle my partner out of the business, cut costs, build new revenue streams, and re-engineer our model for profitability.

I meditate more, train harder, eat cleaner, and sleep deeper, and slowly, piece by piece, I find myself being put back together again.

18 months later:

EGT is celebrating it’s biggest year ever.

I am in a new, happy relationship.

I have started apprenticing in plant medicine to heal from the trauma of the battle — an apprenticeship that continues to this day, and has radically changed the course of my life.

And, most valuable of all:

I’ve found a deeper well of strength and resilience inside of myself that I never had access to, before.

Which brings us to the point of this series…

The ordeal of 2016/2017 was the darkest period of my life, but it was also one of the most powerful:

A hyper-accelerant for internal growth that would not have been possible otherwise.

(when you have no choice but to become greater, you do)

So it is with every ordeal:

In risk, there is opportunity; in pain, there is healing; in struggle, there is growth.

I know that sounds poetic, but don’t be fooled:

The ability to reframe your suffering

To see the opportunity, the healing, and the growth within the risk, the pain, and the struggle…

To generate your own light when life goes dark…

…Is the key that unlocks the transformation waiting for you on the other side.

My hope is that this story can act as a fuel source for your own journey, and an arrow that points the way forwards when you find yourself face to face with the fire:

Step in, and let it forge you.

– T

P.S. Quick reminder:

I’m planning to re-open The Path to new members sometime next week.

I haven’t decided yet how long I’ll keep it open (it was only open for three days last time before the doors closed).

Here’s where you can get the details in advance, before we go live.

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