3 Ways To Unblock Your Personality

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw

To celebrate the release of our latest masterclass, Advanced Communication & Charisma…

(now available inside The Pathimportant details in PS below)

…We’re about to hit a rapid-fire list of communication principles that will help you:

  • Upgrade your social intelligence
  • Release social anxiety
  • Connect more effortlessly with others
  • Become more magnetic in social settings

…And, feel fully at home within your natural personality, everywhere you go.

As I said on Monday:

This is an S-Tier skill that can transform your relationships, your work / career / business, and your whole damn life, if you master it.

So, let’s begin…

1. Relax Your Body.

    Next time you’re in a social setting, notice the tension you’re holding in your body — especially:

    • In your chest and around your heart
    • In your jaw, throat and face
    • Around your eyes

    That tension is restricting the free-flow of your personality.

    Relax it, and you will instantly feel more at ease.

    2. Instead of trying to be charismatic, focus on being friendly.

    Ask the barista how her day is going. Learn first names and remember them. Start a micro-conversation with your cashier. Get to know the employees at places you frequent.

    Plant seeds everywhere you go, and they will inevitably sprout — often, in surprising ways…

    …Plus, you will develop a relaxed ease in social situations that allows your natural charisma to emerge organically.

    3. When you think something nice about someone, tell them.

    Make a point of mastering the easygoing, low stakes, non-needy compliment.

    If you like the colour of her shirt, or her taste in music… If you like his sneakers, or his jump shot… If you’ve seen them working hard recently, or if they have developed a skill you admire… If they say something impactful, that sparks insight and emotion within you…

    …Say so.

    Small, specific compliments — given without need or expectation — are rarely forgotten.

    (remember, being “charming” simply means you make others feel good when they are with you…)

    How’s that land for you?

    Let me know, and if you want more, we’ll drop three more tomorrow.

    And, if you want way more, check out our new masterclass…

    Advanced Communication & Charisma

    …Inside The Path, today.

    – T

    P.S. Along those lines:

    We just re-opened The Path to new members for the first time in six weeks.

    If you’re interested in joining, here’s what you need to know:

    1. We’re closing The Path again on Tuesday at midnight.

    2. When it closes, our founders discount will close along with it…

    3. And, whenever we re-open (date TBD) the price will increase from $49 per month to $99 per month.

    Here’s where you can join us before your discount expires.

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