Warren Buffett’s Secret To Goal Achievement

“Hardly any faculty is more important for the progress of man than attention.” – Charles Darwin

Warren Buffett’s personal pilot, Mike Flint, once asked him for his secret to achieving goals.

Warren replied:

“Write down 25 goals you want to achieve in your life.

Then, choose the 5 goals that matter most to you.

Cross off the other 20, and never think about them again.

Focus all of your energy on the top 5.”

It’s so simple it’s almost stupid:

Focusing on fewer goals = more focus per goal.

Think sniper, not machine gun.

And I’ll take it one step further:

If you really want to stack the odds in your favor, in 2025…

Focus on ONE goal.


Then, align all of your other activities around that one goal.

Of course, this doesn’t mean gluing yourself to your desk, locking your bleeding eyes onto your screen, and refusing to stand up until you’ve gotten rich or died trying.

Because (no sh*t), that’s not going to produce the best result.

Focusing all of your attention on one goal doesn’t mean you don’t do anything else.

It means you do whatever moves you towards your goal most efficiently.

(which, spoiler, doesn’t mean blind, brute force grinding)

More on this tomorrow.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this:

If you could only accomplish one goal in 2025, to make the year a success, what would it be?

Hit reply to let me know, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow.

– T

P.S. Meanwhile, on X…

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