“You are not in this world. This world is in you.” – Nisargadatta Maharaj
There’s a goofy little meme working its way through pop-psychology circles that goes something like…
“Life is not happening to you, life is happening for you.”
It’s a cozy idea:
A sort of psycho-spiritual Xanax (Spanax!) that spreads a soft film of pleasure around life’s sharp edges.
(Spanax:When life sucks, it can feel good too!™)
It’s also not true.
Life is not happening to you, or for you:
Life is responding to you.
In other words:
You’re getting what you’re giving.
Walk into a party off-gassing a bunch of twisted-up negativity, and people will respond in kind.
Now, scale that to the rest of reality, and we’re finally seeing through clear eyes:
The universe speaks the language of energy, and it doesn’t respond the way we want it to, it responds the way we respond to it.
Said another way:
Our outer world is always directly and immediately reflecting of our inner world…
…Which means the responsibility to create it, shape it, and make it our own, is on us.
Freeing, isn’t it?
– T
P.S. This just dropped…
The universe speaks the language of energy
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