And then there is the most dangerous risk of all… The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.” – Randy Komisar
A lesson that took me way too long to learn:
The finish line you think you’re chasing does not exist.
The entrepreneur who thinks he’s perfected his business model soon sees the market shift, and his revenue drop.
The athlete who rests at the top of the mountain is soon knocked off by younger, hungrier competition.
The husband who stops courting his wife soon finds himself in a monogamous relationship with his own right hand.
As soon as you stop moving forwards, you start falling behind…
…Because the target you’re trying to hit never stops moving.
So, instead of asking:
“What can I do now so I can stop doing it later?”
“What do I never want to stop doing?”
Curious to hear your answers.
– T
P.S. In case you missed it…
“I have led a toothless life.
A toothless life.
I have never bitten into anything.
I was waiting.
I was reserving myself for later on…
And I have just noticed that my teeth have gone.”
– Jean-Paul Sartre