“Condoms aren’t completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus.” – Robert Rubin
Here’s a reality check for you:
“Homicide & terrorism comprise less than 1% of US deaths, but over 50% of deaths the media cover.
Most journalism is storytelling, so it focuses on threats from villains, inflating them in people’s minds.
To increase your survival odds, worry less about evil and more about your blood pressure.”
– Gurwinder Bhogal, via. Chris Williamson

When I shared these stats in our Path community (note in PS)…
…The response was about what you’d expect — maybe even what you’re feeling right now:
“Damn, that’s depressing.”
“Man, the media is evil.”
“Okay, the world is officially fxcked.”
And, while I don’t disagree, I had a different response.
Maybe I’m the weird one here, but those stats seem overwhelmingly positive to me.
Here’s what I took from it:
1. The world is nowhere near as dangerous and violent as we’re made to think it is.
It is safe to feel safe, in most places, most of the time.
2. The major causes of death are, to a large degree, within our control.
We don’t trip and fall backwards into cancer and heart disease, they happen over years and decades of unhealthy living.
(there are exceptions, but they are exceedingly rare)
3. We don’t need to believe the media.
Instead, we can think for ourselves, question everything, and toss the doomsday hoopla in the can ’till the AI overlords ping our Neuralink with a real code red, should it ever come.
Anyway, lots to think about in this one, but remember:
With your thoughts you create your world…
Hit reply if you’ve got a minute, I’d love to hear what came to mind for you.
– T
P.S. About The Path:
We’re aiming to re-open next week, when I drop our full-length Communication & Charisma Masterclass to our members.
Here’s a clip from that talk, if you’d like a head-start.
(the full session was ~3 hours, and you’ll be able to listen in our members-only podcast, or watch on video inside The Path platform — your choice)