My thoughts on DeepSeek AI

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

I arrived home from the jungle on Sunday to a storm of messages about a new AI platform called DeepSeek.

And, while I won’t comment on the platform until I’ve used it myself, I will say this:

AI is still only as useful as the mind that uses it.

The engine that drives the performance and utility of an AI is the human that prompts it.

That hasn’t changed, and there is no sign that it will.

Human intelligence steers artificial intelligence, not the other way around.

Which means, if mass replacement is to happen…

(hint: it’s already happening)

…It is not the strong that will survive, it is the smart.

The focused. The resourceful. The creative.

Those who harness artificial intelligence to enhance their own intelligence, rather than to replace it.

Natural selection has entered the realm of the mind, and if you are not actively developing the capacity of your own mind in step with AI, you will be bred out.

I know that’s an unforgiving way of stating the obvious, but nature is unforgiving.

And technology even less so.

So, as AI continues to advance, remember:

The diamond-heart at the core of AI is not artificial intelligence.

It is yours.

– T

P.S. After a short break, I’m back on X.

I just wrote ~20 fresh posts that will be dropping soon, and will be running some interesting new experiments on the platform in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned — and, in the meantime:

Here’s today’s short, sweet installment if you missed it.

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