“Rather than argue with reality, learn the rules so you can shape it to your wishes.” – Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Your chances for success rest on your ability to understand this one fundamental truth:
The human system is programmed through repeated actions.
In other words:
The more you do something, the more likely you are to continue doing it.
Roll over and doom-scroll first thing when you wake up? It’ll probably happen tomorrow morning, too.
Watch TV while you eat? You’re most likely plugging in at your next meal as well.
Tell yourself this early wake-up, this workout, this block of work, this meditation session doesn’t matter — that you can just skip it and make up for it tomorrow?
Tomorrow, most people will be skipping it again.
Next day? Same thing.
Doesn’t that sound dreadful?
Aren’t humans just the absolute worst?
Well, not so fast.
Nature doesn’t make mistakes.
There are no bugs in this system — only features of the design.
Our mind makes repeated actions habitual and automatic, so we don’t waste valuable energy and attention thinking them through every time we need to do them.
(imagine needing to think through your shooting form every time you pulled up for 3?)
It’s up to you to decide whether this feature works for you, or acts against you.
It can send you spiralling down the doom-scrolling, tv-watching, workout-skipping rabbit hole.
Or, it can make discipline effortless, inspiration automatic, and hard work nothing but a simple habit.
It all depends on what actions you decide to “program” into your system.
I know “re-programming yourself” sounds fancy and exciting (and maybe even a little scary).
But in practice, it’s nothing more than putting in the upfront effort to change the actions you repeatedly do, until they become automatic.
Which in turn, changes your entire life.
– T