The Path has been re-opened until midnight tonight. Details in the PS below.
Hey, how’s your week going so far?
I’m just getting back to work after a weekend retreat, where I came across a powerful article about what it takes to be a “star performer” in the modern world.
Here’s the section that struck me:
(take special note of the bullet points)
Human intelligence, motivation, ethics, behavior, and performance are predicated on a stunning milieu of factors, much of it having to do with each individual’s neural architecture and connectivity:
– Well-put-together prefrontal areas and limbic systems
– Well-grooved reward networks
– Superlative cost-benefit calculators
– Sensational memory storage and retrieval
– Chill fight-or-flight tone
– Balanced emotional valence
– Finely tuned motivational salience
…And more, combine to make star performers. These people are primed for success in the modern era.
Point being:
Star performers aren’t just doing things differently than everyone else…
…On a neurological level, they are different.
They are wired like a Ferrari racing a pack of minivans, with a profound horsepower advantage that sends them flying at top speed while everyone else is stuck in first gear.
Of course, genetics, epigenetics, and upbringing have a lot to do with this:
The playing field is far from even, life isn’t fair, and no amount of wishful thinking will turn a minivan into a Ferrari.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is, internal practitioners have been influencing their neurological wiring for thousands of years.
Techniques like…
– Meditation (real meditation, not listening to the Calm app for ten minutes before bed)
– QiGong & the internal arts
– Breathwork
– Psychedelics & plant medicines
– Contemplation & self-inquiry
…And many more have been shown to increase the raw horsepower of the brain and nervous system, radically increasing your capacity for success in any field.
Most minivans are tinkering with fresh coats of paint, fancy air fresheners and shinier rims in their quest to become a Ferrari.
But the only way to become a Ferrari is to get under the hood and upgrade the damn engine.
Which is exactly what internal training does:
It builds your raw horsepower, not so you can be a better meditator, but so you can be a bad mf*cker in every dimension of your life.
No promises you’ll become a Ferrari, obviously.
But a massive power upgrade is available to nearly anyone who is willing to work for it.
If you’d like help, check out our full-stack internal training program inside The Path.
(open until midnight tonight)
Alright, that’s it from me today.
Have an awesome one over there and I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
– T
P.S. After The Path closed on Friday, several people missed the cut-off time and asked if they could still get in.
And usually, I would say no.
But I was in a rush to get to my retreat on Friday, and didn’t send a reminder email before we closed — so this one’s on me:
Here’s where you can activate your discount on The Path before midnight tonight.
And here’s a quick look at how much time is left before we close: