5 Banger Friday

“If you want to learn how to swim, get in the water.”

Two items of businessbefore we jump in:

Item #1:

A huge, enormous, gigantic welcome to everyone who joined Jing this past week.

If we do our job well (and we will) the next 90 days will be transformative in ways you likely haven’t imagined yet.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help along the way.

Item #2:

I’m running a retreat this weekend, so our next email will land mid-next week (whenever I’m feeling recovered), rather than Monday as usual.

So let’s make this a good one, with five fresh insights from our Path community, posted earlier this week.

Enjoy 🙂

“If you want to learn how to swim, get in the water.”
Shared by Taylor

Don’t talk about getting in, don’t watch videos about getting in, don’t listen to people talk about getting in, just get the fxck in.

Contemplation is impotent without action.

Who’s going to carry the TV remote?!
via. Chris Williamson:

On average, maybe more people DO need to hear David Goggins shouting in their face to go harder than Eckhart Tolle whispering in their ear that they are already enough.

But for a certain, perhaps minority cohort of people, they actually need to hear the opposite message.

We need a parasympathetic Goggins.

Who’s going to carry the TV remote? And the Cheetos?


Type B problems are just as tough as Type A ones, but they require a much less sexy solution – peace.

One you actually can’t achieve by working harder.

Are you full of it?
Shared by Taylor

Repressing your feelings is the emotional equivalent of holding in a sh*t… Forever.

Now, consider that most people repress most of their feelings, most of the time, and it’s not hard to see what most of the world is full of.

Clarity, Sales, Empathy & Communication
Shared by Adan Maldonado

1. The first step to success isn’t hard work; it’s clarity.

2. Sales isn’t about tricking people. It’s about understanding and meeting their needs. True sales is more consultation than it is persuasion.

3. Sales scripts matter, but real empathy and understanding matter more.

4. Scripts, persuasion, salesmanship all help but I find the 20% is great communication skills.

“Throw yourself at your fear…
shared by Jackson Kasko

…again, and again, and again. All else is just commentary.”

Many, many more inside The Path.

(btw, if you’re a Path member — new retreat recording drops when I get back next week… stay tuned)

Have an awesome weekend over there, and we’ll chat when I get back.

– T

P.S. In case you missed it, here’s:

The Master Key To Olympic-Level Productivity

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