3 things to check out this weekend | 10.11.24

“The challenge of modernity is avoiding the fruits of modernity.” – Naval Ravikant

Happy Friday.

It’s been a loaded week, so let’s wind down with some nice, easy rec’s for your weekend:

Naval Ravikant on Dopamine

A strong reminder about the dangers of cheap dopamine from one of the clearer thinkers online today.

(note: that doesn’t mean he’s right about everything, or that you should take what he says as true without thinking it through for yourself…)

For extra credit, here’s where you can check out the full interview.

Chris Williamson on Running A 2.5MM Podcast

“I did this long before anybody listened, and I will do it long after I am cancelled.

There were days in 2018 where we did zero plays. It’s never been about the numbers.

I did the show because I wanted to learn about the world and about myself.”

Stylebender Documentary

Been waiting a while for this one, and it didn’t disappoint.

Izzy is one of the most unique personalities in professional sports today, and this documentary is a fascinating look at why.

The behind the scenes footage of his mental / emotional work is especially worthwhile.

BONUS: Ever seen a cat beat up a snake?

Cats are fxcking savages.

Have an awesome one over there and I’ll see you Monday.

– T

P.S. In case you missed it earlier this week…

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