2k25 Workshop Is Now Open!

“Vision without execution is hallucination.” – Thomas Edison

It’s here:

2k25 Workshop Is Now Open!

We go live this Saturday (with recordings available afterwards), and make no mistake:

This will be the most important workday of 2024.

Here’s why…

Every new year, we get a rush of fresh motivation and tell ourselves:

“This is the year I’m finally going to lock in / break through / [insert motivational cliché].”

Then January hits, motivation fades, and we sink back into the rut of our old habits.

Our confidence shrinks as months fade into the past.

By June, it feels like we have wasted another year of our lives with no tangible progress…

Riding a rollercoaster of motivation and disappointment toward a life we didn’t choose.


It’s not a lack of desire.

It’s usually not even a lack of discipline.

In almost every case…

It’s a lack of strategy.


1. Clear Targets:
A vivid, detailed vision that comes alive in your mind and sparks dynamic action.

2. Detailed Plan:
A precise, step-by-step strategy for hitting every target and bringing your vision to life.

3. Systematic Execution:
Systems and habits that move you toward your vision with smooth efficiency.

And, most important of all:

4. Skilled Team:
With a coach to optimize your strategy and a squad to keep you on track.

Combine all four, and winning is a matter of time.

So that’s exactly what we are going to do, this Saturday.

Our goal:

To guarantee — yes, guarantee

2025 will be the most powerful, transformative year of your life.

I’ve laid out the plan for you at the link below.

All you need to do is execute.

Let’s begin.

– T

P.S. Two quick notes:

1. Recordings will be available if you are not able to attend live.

It’s easy to follow along on your own schedule, and I’ll be available to answer questions in our coaching group.

2. Registration closes at midnight this Friday…

…And the workshop goes live Saturday morning at 9 am EST.

So if you want in, move quick.

Here’s the link one more time.

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